
Used to support ovarian activity and reproductive activities and as an antioxidant

Product Description

Each ml contains 15 mg Beta-carotene, 20 mg Vitamin-E (Alpha tocopherol acetate).

Used to support ovarian activity and reproductive activities and as an antioxidant

It is injected intramuscularly or subcutaneously.
In support of ovarian activity and reproductive activities:
3.5-7 ml/ 100 kg body weight for stimulation of ovarian activity 30 days after birth.
It is repeated 60-70 days after birth in addition to treatment in animals that do not show estrus, have inadequate ovarian development or uterine infections.
As an antioxidant:
At the beginning of the second month of the dry period in dry cows, 3.5-7 ml/ 100 kg body weight.
Applications over 10 ml are recommended to be applied to different injection sites.

cattle, Horse

Zero (0) day for milk & meat.

Available in 100 ml amber colored glass vials in a carton box