Alivira D3


Treatment of bone development disorders (rickets, osteomalacia),
Stimulation of skeletal development in young fattening animals,
Prevention and treatment of hypocalcemia in cows,
Supporting bone development and metabolism in animals and racehorses that do not benefit enough from the sun by helping Ca-P metabolism,
It is used in metabolic disorders that interfere with the absorption of vitamin D3 (inhibition of bile secretions, poisoning)


Product Description

Each ml contains 1 million IU Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol).

Treatment of bone development disorders (rickets, osteomalacia),
Stimulation of skeletal development in young fattening animals,
Prevention and treatment of hypocalcemia in cows,
Supporting bone development and metabolism in animals and racehorses that do not benefit enough from the sun by helping Ca-P metabolism,
It is used in metabolic disorders that interfere with the absorption of vitamin D3 (inhibition of bile secretions, poisoning)

Horse, cattle, sheep, goat, cat & dogs;
IM injection
Practical Dose:
Ruminants & horse: 1 ml / 50 kg b.w.
Cats & dogs: 0,1-0,5 ml / 10 kg b.w

Cat, cattle, Dog, Goat, Horse, Sheep

Medicine Residue Elimination Period:
For beef: 21 days.
For milk for cattle and sheep: “0” zero days

Available in amber colored glass bottles of 10, 20, 50 and 100 ml in a carton box.