Doxymix %20


Digestive and respiratory tract infections in broiler chickens and broiler turkeys,
Respiratory and digestive system infections in calves,
Used to treat Chlamydiosis and Ornithosis in pigeons and ornamental birds

Product Description

Each ml contains Doxycycline hiklat equivalent to 200 mg Doxycycline

Digestive and respiratory tract infections in broiler chickens and broiler turkeys,
Respiratory and digestive system infections in calves,
Used to treat Chlamydiosis and Ornithosis in pigeons and ornamental birds

In broiler chickens and broiler turkeys, 5-10 ml of solution is added to the daily drinking water for every 100 kg live weight. In calves, 1-2.5 ml of solution is given directly or together with drinking water for every 25 kg live weight. In pigeons and ornamental birds, 0.5-1 ml of the drug is added to 1 liter of drinking water. The treatment period is 3-5 days for all species.

Calf, Chicken, Turkey

For Calf Meat: 7 days
For Chicken Meat: 5 days
For Turkey Meat: 12 days
It should not be used in laying hens from 4 weeks before the beginning of the laying period.
Not for use in cattle from which milk is obtained for human consumption.

100 ml white colored polyethylene bottles are sold singly in carton box; 1 L white polyethylene bottles are sold without box.