
Infections in cattle and sheep caused by bacteria sensitive to the combination of penicillin and streptomycin;
Bacterial pneumonia, peritonitis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, arthritis, skin and soft tissue infections, mastitis and metritis.

Product Description

Each vial contains 4 grams of white-cream colored, sterile suspension powder; Penicillin G Potassium 600.000 IU Penicillin G Procaine 1.200.000 IU Streptomycin sulphate 2,425 grams (equivalent to 1,8 grams streptomycin base). All 10 ml of the reconstituent is injected into the vial to obtain 12 ml of suspension. Each ml of this suspension contains 50,000 IU potassium penicillin G, 100,000 IU procaine penicillin G and 150 mg streptomycin

Infections in cattle and sheep caused by bacteria sensitive to the combination of penicillin and streptomycin;
Bacterial pneumonia, peritonitis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, arthritis, skin and soft tissue infections, mastitis and metritis.

It is injected intramuscularly.
General pharmacological dose for cattle and sheep:
Benzylpenicillin 10,000 IU/kg body weight
Streptomycin 10 mg/kg body weight
Practically; 1 ml / 15 kg body weight.
Treatment should be continued for 3-5 days. The suspension should be homogenized by
shaking the bottle vigorously before use.

cattle, Horse, Sheep

Cattle and sheep should not be sent to slaughter during the treatment period and for 60 days after the last medication. Milk obtained from lactating cows and sheep should not be offered for human consumption during treatment and for 8 days (16 milkings) after the last drug application.
Due to the long product residue clearance time in milk, it is not recommended to be applied to sheep and cows from which milk is obtained for human consumption.

Available in 20 ml colorless glass vials containing 4 g powder and 15 ml colorless glass vials containing 10 ml water for injection or 10 ml colorless ampoules; available in 50 ml colorless glass vials containing 8 g powder and 30 ml colorless glass vials containing 20 ml water for injection.