
Systemic treatment of systemic infections, septicemia, secondary bacterial infections complicated with viral infections, respiratory diseases, Colibacillosis, E. coli enteritis, Salmonellosis, Actinomycosis, Listeriosis, Pyelonephritis, Pyelonephritis, Piyeten and Pododermatitis in cattle, sheep, goats and horses; wound infections, mastitis, metritis and other soft tissue infections.


Product Description

Each ml contains 40 mg Trimethoprim and 200 mg Sulfadoxine

Systemic treatment of systemic infections, septicemia, secondary bacterial infections complicated with viral infections, respiratory diseases, Colibacillosis, E. coli enteritis, Salmonellosis, Actinomycosis, Listeriosis, Pyelonephritis, Pyelonephritis, Piyeten and Pododermatitis in cattle, sheep, goats and horses; wound infections, mastitis, metritis and other soft tissue infections.

In cattle: Intravenous, intramuscular, subcutaneous and intra-tracheal,
In horses: Intravenously, preferably slowly and at body temperature, intramuscularly and intra-tracheally when necessary,
In sheep and goats: Intravenous, intramuscular administration
Practical dosage: 50 kg c.a./ 3 ml applied
Although a single dose is usually sufficient, the same dose is repeated 48 hours later if necessary.

Cat, cattle, Dog, Goat, Horse, Sheep

Cattle, sheep and goats;
For meat 14 days
Drink milk 5 days (10 milkings)

50 and 100 ml brown glass vials are available in carton boxes.