
For cattle, horse, sheep & goat;
• In combination with antibiotics to relieve bronchospasm and soothe cough in respiratory diseases,
• Used as antihistamine in urticaria, allergic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis and laminitis

Product Description

Each ml contains 25 mg chlorphenilamine

For cattle, horse, sheep & goat;
• In combination with antibiotics to relieve bronchospasm and soothe cough in respiratory diseases,
• Used as antihistamine in urticaria, allergic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis and laminitis

It is injected intramuscularly, subcutaneously or intravenously.
General pharmacological dose :0,4-0,5 mg / kg b.w.
Practical 1 ml / 50 kg b.w.
Application takes 3-5 days

cattle, Goat, Horse, Sheep

Medicine Residue Elimination Period : Cattle should not be sent to slaughter before 1 day.
Milk obtained from lactating cattle during treatment and for 12 hours (1 milking) after the last drug application should not be offered for human consumption.