

Caused by bacteria sensitive to the combination of amoxicillin and colistin in cattle, sheep
and dogs;
– Infections of the digestive system,
– Respiratory system infections,
– Genital tract infections,
– Skin and soft tissue infections and
– It is used to prevent post-operative infections.

Product Description

Each ml of white-cream, homogeneous, sterile, oily suspension;
100 mg Amoxicillin (as trihydrate)
250.000 IU Contains colistin (in sulphate form).

Caused by bacteria sensitive to the combination of amoxicillin and colistin in cattle, sheep
and dogs;
– Infections of the digestive system,
– Respiratory system infections,
– Genital tract infections,
– Skin and soft tissue infections and
– It is used to prevent post-operative infections.

Unless otherwise recommended by a veterinarian;
Intramuscularly in sheep and cattle; intramuscularly or subcutaneously in dogs.
It is practically given at a dose of 1 ml / 10 kg live weight/day. Treatment is continued for 3-5 days. Dry syringe should be used to avoid hydrolysis of amoxicillin

cattle, Dog, Sheep

Cattle and sheep raised for meat should not be sent to slaughter before 21 days during treatment and after the last drug application. Cow and sheep milk should not be offered for consumption for 5 days (10 milkings) during treatment and after the last drug application.

Available in 100 ml and 250 ml colorless glass bottles in carton boxes.