

Acceleration of awakening and initiation of reflexes after anesthesia,
Stimulation of respiration in depressions caused by the central nervous system,
In newborn dogs, cats, calves and lambs; It is used to initiate and support respiration after difficult delivery and cesarean section.


Product Description

Each ml contains 20 mg Doxapram HCl.

Acceleration of awakening and initiation of reflexes after anesthesia,
Stimulation of respiration in depressions caused by the central nervous system,
In newborn dogs, cats, calves and lambs; It is used to initiate and support respiration after difficult delivery and cesarean section.

After anesthesia;
In dogs and cats; 0.25-0.5 ml intravenously after intravenous anesthesia,
In dogs and cats; 0.05-0.1 ml intravenously after inhalation anesthesia,
In horses; 5-10 ml/200 kg c.a. intravenously after intravenous anesthesia or inhalation.
In newborns
Depending on the size of the puppy and respiratory depression;
Puppies 0.05-0.25 ml intravenously, subcutaneously or sublingually,
Kittens 0.05-0.1 ml intravenously, subcutaneously or sublingually,
Calves 2-5 ml intravenously, subcutaneously or sublingually,
In lambs 0.25-0.5 ml intravenously, subcutaneously or sublingually.

Calf, Cat, Dog, Horse, Sheep

For meat and milk: “0” is zero days.

In carton box; It is offered for sale in groups of 24 pieces in 2 ml colorless glass bottles and individually in 20 ml colorless glass bottles.